Gaura Nitai Dolls / Deities (7.5")
Flute Krishna T-Shirt
Hindi Bhagavad Gita As It Is
Wall Hanging -- Lord Shiva
Mridanga Drum - Small - Tilak (20")
Little Master Boys Dhoti Cotton
Khadi Lunghi

Khadi Lunghi

Arjun: The Warrior Prince

Beautiful tone

By Dhara Carter

Hare Krishna! It's tricky buying Kartals on line. Often, one bell is not in tune with the other, a ...

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Great customer service

By Teresa Thongsinthusak

After ordering online, I received emails with tracking info. Also, one book was missing from the Sri ...

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Nice Quality

By Paul Diglio

The bead bag I ordered was of exceptional quality and very reasonably priced.

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Original Works of Srila Prabhupada

By Gaurahari Dasa

Hare Krishna, KrishnaStore is doing great service by providing access to all the original works o ...

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excellent !

By Cp Fullington

Krishna Store gets shipments to me quickly - not a month after the predicted arrival like many merc ...

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Excellent Edition

By Klaus Vandeit

I already have an incomplete set of the Shrimad Bhagavatam. The books contain excellent translation ...

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Love the Tulsi necklace

By Michelle Thompson

All the products I ordered came safely packaged and in a timely manner. I especially love the books ...

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well managed reasonably priced

By Tirthankar Bhowmick

Finally, a well managed reasonably priced website for devotees !!

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Best Service and beautiful items!!!

By Wilfried Nairz

It is always a pleasure to order from "Krishna Store" ~ the service and shipping experience is uniqu ...

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Srila Prabhupad Murti 10"

By Karuna Devi Dasi

Hari bol! Srila Prabhupad is perfect! I was surprised at all the accessories that came with him: kun ...

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By Heiko Helbig

Fast processing, fast delivery, smooth process. Hare Krishna!

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Hare Krishna! i love my stuff

By Dianna Horne

i ordered a small set of hand cymbals and have taken them to Temple with me and used them at home. t ...

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Great service one happy customer

By John Travers

Best site in the world for online shopping great prices for all my needs and the service I get is th ...

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Spiritual bliss

By Harshit Patel

It was fast shipping and friendly emails conversational .I received items exactly that was described ...

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Excellent Quality Insence

By Andrew Casserly

Very nice insence which is made in Vrindavana, India. It shipped to me within a few days. The qualit ...

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