Wall Hanging -- Sri Hanuman
Ladies IALOT Beadbags Pack of 5
Raw Silk Chadar (2.6m)
Mridanga Drum - Small - Tilak (20")
Case of 100 Higher Taste Cook Book
Laddu Gopal Brass Deity 4" (10 cm)
Round Tulsi Japa Beads

Just excellent!

By Jose Medina

I ordered my items and I received them within 15 days as described in international shipments. I am ...

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A happy customer or should I say human?

By Vichal Gajapersad

Dear Hare Krishna Store, I want to thank you for providing Krsna Consciousness material to the wo ...

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Excellent Service,As Usual

By David Cavall

You can always count on the Krishna Store to keep you updated on the status of your order and delive ...

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By Myles Connor

These shirts are so AMAZING i love these shirts they catch a lot of attention and a lot of positive ...

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I love my new recipe book- the hard cover, glossy pages, beautif

By Debbie Webber

Beautiful book

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The greatest literature delivered - The "Bhagavad Gita as it is"

By Pieter Vrijsen

The "Gita as it is" is my daily refuge. It speaks again and again it's wisdom always fresh and new. ...

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Mridanga Drum order

By Clementine Gendron

My drum arrived damaged and the customer service was very kind and efficient in sending me a new dru ...

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By David Leybourne

Great communication and fast delivery. Very happy with the order. Highly Recommended.

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Thank You!

By Steve Schuman

I recently bought two cookbooks through the Krishna Store and was very pleased with the books as wel ...

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Deluxe Large print Bhagavad Gitas

By Kenarama Das

I ordered a box of 10 Deluxe large print Bhagavad Gitas. The books are a print of the original 1972 ...

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total satisfaction

By David Byron

PAMHO it is a pleadure to writ a review of the items i have bought off Krishna store, firstly, the ...

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I am amazed how easy this site is to use!

By Bhayahari Das

After viewing the items, I see that in price, and quality it rivals or exceeds all others I viewed, ...

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Good, overall

By Sachin Kapoor

I was overall very pleased with both the selection and prices of this store. Shipping took awhile, b ...

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Lots of products and fast delivery

By Tiffany Jones

I've been looking for Tulusi beads online and I discovered the Krishna store - and I found I could b ...

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Goods arrived in full

By Gaborne Safrany

Dear Customer! I got the package I ordered, I could buy a discount. The wonderful products that ar ...

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